Taking it one step further, I believe that activism can have positive health benefits too. In times like this, we need to bump up our level of activism more than ever before.
Action is the antidote to despair – Joan Baez
My environmental activist roots began with a fracking wake up call back in 2009 while facilitating a kitchen garden program at a summer camp in PA. Witnessing the devastation to land, water and air from fracking changed my life. I continue working tirelessly to keep fracking and gas pipelines out of my state of New York. It has been an uphill battle as we must fight our own government to stop fossil fueled projects that are invading our land. Staying involved in the fight against extreme energy is energizing and provides great opportunities to meet cool people that I wouldn’t ordinarily meet in my day to day life.
Once you understand that personal health and planetary health are directly interconnected, its hard to fall back asleep. My work with food and health evolved into a focus on the food system and farming. Once I got my hands dirty growing food, supporting community gardens, composting and much more, I also began to understand on a deep level the importance of clean air, water and healthy soil. Veggie gardening and composting are forms of earth activism in my book. They are also a gateway to the revolution that is underway.
Like water on the garden of activism, America’s surprise president brings a bounty of opportunity. The great issues of our time are now brightly illuminated and people are becoming more aware of them than ever, from sea to shining sea, from Standing Rock to Wall Street. – Neil Young
These days, you’d have to be living under a rock not to know that climate change poses a major threat to our not so distant future. It can be distressing to consider the magnitude of the problem. We can no longer ignore the fact that our continued burning of fossil fuels is creating an unstable climate that won’t be able to support life as we know it for very much longer. With a new President elect who loves fossil fuels even more than the current one, we can no longer be paralyzed with dread, we must start taking serious action.

Resistance is fertile. Brad Werner, a geophysicist from UC San Diego, made waves by including the importance of activism and resistance in his research on climate. “Is Earth Fucked?” was the title of his presentation. Many scientists and others have bumped up their level of activism and have participated in arrestable actions in attempts to draw attention to fossil fuel projects. Former NASA scientist James Hansen and University of Rhode Island physics professor Peter Nightingale are two that I admire.
Other forms of earth activism are more playful, incorporating art, music, humor and fun creative resistance. One of my favorites source for this lighthearted energy is the Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, a NYC based radical performance community with 50 performing members and a congregation in the thousands. (link: http://www.revbilly.com) One time in 2013, I was once lucky to have the opportunity to be an extinct Golden Toad in a bank lobby while Billy delivered a fire and brimstone sermon about financing the poisoning of our planet.
For your health and for the health of our biosphere, I urge you to step up, join the revolution. Find an issue that resonates for you, get active. Our future depends on it. You’ll feel better and have some fun doing it.