Is it Edgar's fault?

I’m here to share with you about my failure:  the New Year’s resolution that I was unable to keep.

While so many people vow to diet and lose weight for a new year’s resolution, my resolution was to write about the reasons why diets don’t work.  It didn’t seem like an unsurmountable goals: a simple blog segment every day in a month long  Diet Myths & Legends series. I blogged consistently every day for all of  November’s (30 Soups in 30 Days) and December (31 Healthy Hints for the Holidaze), so I figured I would easily blog daily for January about the 31 reasons why most diets are fairy tales.

This shouldn’t have been that tough. My laptop is loaded with oodles of info about this topic that I’ve shared in classes, talks and teleconferences over the past decade. So what happened?

I could use Edgar as an excuse. This little rescue dog has taken up a big part of my life, its like having a new baby in the house.  Unlike my January blogging, I have been consistent with the dog. We have been out for a walk at sunrise every day since he arrived in December. Edgar is both my personal trainer and mindfulness guru.

I could use a illness as an excuse too. Like everyone else here at the Rubin Rodeo, I succumbed to the end of the holidays head cold that turned into a chronic cough.

There are plenty excuses for not succeeding in New Year’s resolutions. January is simply not a good time to make resolutions. Its the month to do less, not more. My early morning walk with Edgar around the edges of my yard reminds me that most of nature is asleep this time of year. Its a time to go easy on yourself. Lower your expectations and try to make time for stillness.

February will soon be here. Even though it will still be winter, full of snow, slush and other obstacles, February days are just a little longer than January’s are.  I hope to make a resolution that will stick for all 28 days.