Melanie and the new addition to the Rodeo

I should have known better that you should never say never. When Skippy, our Westie passed away last March, I vowed never to get another dog. Despite the pleas from my kids, especially the eldest who pestered the loudest for another doggie, I resisted.

Until today. One of my Facebook pals posted the cutest photo of a Yorkshire Terrier who was one of three rescued doges headed over to the Briarcliff SPCA this afternoon.  After my morning farmer’s market visit, I took one of my daughters over to the SPCA, just for a peak.  I’d never been over there before, what a sad, sad place loaded with barking dogs, some growling, some fearful, but no doggie like I saw in the FB photo.

A little more digging and we found that the dog would be at the SPCA later in the day, but he was currently being bathed and groomed at Pawfection in Bedford Hills.  We hopped in the car and headed up to Pawfection, which happened to be a place where ‘ol Skippy used to go for his Westie stylin’.  When we got there only 1 dog was left, the little guy was too cute to pass up.

So what does this have to do with a healthy hint for the holidaze? Doggies are good for your health, that’s why. It is a well-known fact that animals can help to lower your stress levels and blood pressure and bring calm, pleasure and balance into your life.

The best part of all is that my holiday shopping is now officially finished!