Dec 14, 2010 | Recipes, Rubin Rodeo
Thank you, Heather Walker. I’ve never met you, but thanks to your recipe, I won a holiday bake off!
Warning! If you click on any of the links in this blogpost, you will be taken to recipes and photos of cookies that will knock your socks off!
Dec 13, 2010 | Better Health, Healthy Hints, Rubin Rodeo
My new dog is reminding me of what we need to do to get into rest & digest mode.
Dec 11, 2010 | Better Health, Healthy Hints, Rubin Rodeo
We rescued a dog today.
Dec 8, 2010 | Recipes, Rubin Rodeo
I’ve used 3 of Michael Pollan’s Food Rules to justify making homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups.
Dec 2, 2010 | Better Health, Recipes, Rubin Rodeo
I made this for breakfast in the same time it took hubby to toast and butter a slice of whole grain bread. I had the better breakfast.
Nov 25, 2010 | Better Health, Rubin Rodeo, Soup
This year’s Turkey Day is going to be in Chinatown. Part of a Rubin Rodeo tradition. We’ll be eating soup dumplings!