Joe's Shanghai, NYC

We have an unusual but fun tradition here at the Rubin Rodeo. Every other year, instead of packing in the car and heading to Delaware where the bulk of the Rubin relatives live, we head to Chinatown. This tradition was started after my parents passed away, I’m what you’d call an adult orphan. The holidays can be a bit of a bummer when everyone else has parents and grandparents and yours are not around.

Chinatown is busy and bustling on Thanksgiving, its just another day for Chinese restaurants. We have lots of fun “grazing” at many different Chinatown hot spots. One famous place known for it’s soup dumplings is Joe’s Shanghai. These giant dumplings filled with soup are messy but fun to eat. It’s pretty darn challenging to make at home. If you wanted to, here’s a link to a recipe for Shanghai Soup Dumplings.

Soup dumpling, up close

I’ll be back tomorrow and the next 5 days with more soup!

In the meantime, wherever you are and whomever you’re with, have a great Turkey Day.