SuRu’s Blog
A treasure trove of great information on a wide range of topics. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you’ll get hungry reading about delicious food. Lots of great stories from the adventures of the Rubin Rodeo along with plenty of recipes and strategies for better health.
Pepsi and the Orangutan
Talking back to a Pepsi talking head while wearing an Orangutan suit was great fun. Learn how you can help defend Orangutan habitats and put snack food companies on notice.
Shopping Local, Not in a Big Box
I am not gonna shop at the new Walgreens in my town, here’s why you should avoid big boxes in your town as well.
Grocery Store Activism 101
Make your voice loud and clear about the type of food you want to see in your local market. Remind them who is boss: the customers!
Another Long Emergency
Long emergencies are a result of climate change. How many long emergencies will it take before we wake up to the reality that we have to change the way we’re doing things?
Drawing the Line on Keystone XL in Mount Kisco
Please join us in sending a loud message to President Obama about the Keystone XL Pipeline. Over 40,000 people across the country will be doing the same thing. Join me in Mount Kisco!
Connecting Dots and Drawing the Line
Learn what you can do close to home to help keep tar sands in the ground and start to address the global task of climate change.
Diet Coke: Is It Safe?
Diet Coke is a nasty habit that destroys your health. Stay far away from this and every other diet beverage.
A Wake Up Call: Cancer
Non-caloric forms of food for the spirit can be as effective as kale in the fight against cancer and other chronic illness.
Recipe- Asian Ice Box Pickles
Since it is way too hot to cook, its time to turn my cukes into pickles.
Summer Vacation, Then and Now
I’m journeying to Chicago this summer to learn how to be an effective climate change communicator from Al Gore himself!