You can't go wrong with kale and veggies!

You can never go wrong with kale and veggies!

Yesterday, I met a talented young artist who recently got a wake up call from cancer. She’s a high energy kind of gal who is pro-actively rearranging her work around her new chemo schedule and has cut her long hair short in expectation of shaving her head before her hair falls out.

Cancer is one of those wake up calls that seems to draw everyone with an opinion out of the woodwork. Kind of like how being 9 months pregnant in the line at the supermarket causes complete strangers to come up and tell you their horror stories about their 20 hour labor that ended up in a C-section.

Plenty of great information is out there for those who are doing their homework on cancer treatment. To chemo or no? These are decisions that each individual must make.  The Gerson therapy has gotten great reviews thanks to movies like Food Matters and Crazy Sexy Cancer. Just about everyone, perhaps except most mainstream oncologists and the American Cancer Society, has gotten the message that the food we eat can make a huge difference when battling cancer.

Whichever way you decide to go with cancer treatment, you can’t go wrong with supporting your body with the best possible food. Loads of good organic veggies, especially lots of dark green leafys,  super grains like protein rich quinoa and cutting back on all forms of refined sugar.  I was glad to see that my new friend was bumping up her veggies and discovering the power in cooking for herself.  This will no doubt improve her odds as she journeys forward.  By the way, you’ll find lots and lots of health supportive recipes right here on this blog- just click on the “Recipes” category on the right side of the blog page.

There are other forms of nourishment that I put in the “food” category that can help with anyone who is dealing with cancer or any other chronic disease challenge. Here’s my short list of non caloric forms of nourishment that can be as effective as kale in creating radiant health.

Affirmations are powerful. Louise Hay is the queen of this in my humble opinion. You’ll find books, audio meditations, even iPhone apps that will help to shift your thoughts to a higher vibration.

Energy medicine is a meridian based therapy that Donna Eden created. Her books are great, but you could also work directly with one of her certified practitioners to help keep your energy flowing smoothly.

A regular meditation practice will come in extremely handy. There are many many ways to build a meditation practice. The secret is to do it regularly.  I’ve studied many forms of OSHO based mediations, TM, Metta – loving kindness meditation and many more. Find what form works best for you and do it every day. Twice!

Chant music. I’ve been enjoying the power of mantra for more than a decade now. People like Krishna Das, Deva Premal and Wah! create amazing chant music. Guaranteed to improve your mood and lower your levels of stress hormones.

Fill your playlist with good food for your spirit. Check out iTunes, you’ll find loads of downloadable meditations, affirmations and chant music. Enjoy!