You’d have to be living under a rock not to know that this is the season of colds and flu. The FDA knows it too and has started a campaign to encourage sick food service workers to stay home.

Perhaps the FDA doesn’t understand that most workers can’t afford to stay home. One recent survey found that more than 60% of restaurant employees show up for work when sick because they didn’t have a choice.

This poster may be a fun graphic that makes an important point, but it’s about as useful as the sign near my house that points out the emergency bus stop in case  the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant has a melt  down. I’m sure we’ll all just go and stand at the bus stop and wait patiently to evacuate the area, right?

What can YOU do to protect yourself from sick food service employees? The answer is easy.

Buy real food and cook it at home from scratch. You knew I’d tell you that! But it couldn’t be more true.

No need to wonder whether your take out, your frozen processed packaged food or even your high end restaurant food was made by someone who looks like the people in this poster.  If you make your own meals, you’ll know that the ingredients are good and you’ll be putting your own good energy into the food. There is nothing better than that.

Cooking from scratch is the most effective investment of time and money you can make to insure your own health. I’m here to help you do stay well this winter with recipes and lots of healthy hints on how to do it.  There are still a few copies of my Slow Cooker Cookbooklet available. My Souper Soups eBook will be available online next week.

My Slow Cooker Cookbooklet