I’ve been asked to be a guest blogger on a number of interesting blogs lately.  Usually they are a result of a conversation about school food topics.

I wrote a piece for The Slow Cook and Better DC School Food on sugar. It was titled: What to do about the White Stuff: Sugar in Schools. The piece offers some ideas on how we can start to educate our kids about sugar. After all, that’s why kids are in school is to learn something, right? Why not increase their Food IQ as part of  reading, writing and arithmetic?

Fooducate is another one of my favorite blogs. I wrote a guest post there about finding ways to get kids to eat veggies. Based on my adventure last summer at camp, I know kids will eat real food. Just make it cool, that’s what the food industry does.

Ed Bruske at The Slow Cook invited me back for another guest post. This one was about calories. Not the ones we normally think of, but the ones that we burn mindlessly as we participate in a food system that relies heavily on cheap fossil fuels, The Calories that Really Count.

This morning Mrs Q’s famous blog, Fed Up with Lunch: The School Lunch Project featured a guest post from me about school food and  the differences between self operated school food service and food service management companies. I’ve yet to see any school district with a food service management company make significant strides in better school food or in farm to school. If you know of one, please let me know!

Got any ideas for blog posts or guest blog posts? Please let me know, I’m happy to work with my fingers to get the message out there!