The Best Summer Job

Tweet Looking for a great summer job? This opportunity can’t be beat. Camp Ballibay is a magical place and the food is part of that magic. I had the honor of working in the camp kitchen last summer and I’ll be returning this summer to work in the garden...

Reads for Eaters

Tweet There has been an explosion of food and nutrition related books over the past few years. People ask me all the time what books to read to get up to speed with food. Not to overwhelm you, I taken my top 100 favorite books on the subject and cooked that list down...

Raising the Food IQ of Docs

Tweet photo credit: YoAmes This week, 4th year medical students at New York Medical College learned about inexpensive and highly effective edible tools for healing. Kale, quinoa, ginger, turmeric, garlic and more. They also discovered the power of mindful eating along...

Food IQ in Medical School: Part 2

Tweet As I finish putting together the finishing touches on lecture portion of my class on food for medical students, its time to focus on the really fun part of this class.  For a clinical rotation, they’ll be joining me at a supermarket. I want them to...