This week, I had the good fortune to see 3 great movies that told the tale of climate change and sustainability. I hope you get a chance to see at least one of them. If you do, your life will never be the same.

After reading Bill Mc Kibben’s Deep Economy a year ago, there’s been no turning back for me. I can no longer stay asleep and pretend that climate change isn’t happening and that our food system is OK. It’s not just that kids are getting fat, there are bigger problems happening that need bold fixes.

These three films put a smile on my face. More importantly, movies like these give me hope that perhaps other people are waking up too.

The Yes Men Fix the World was funny and thought provoking. These guys have more chutzpah than anyone. Their stunt with the “Hallaburton Survivaballs” was nothing short of awesome. Their pranks continue. This week, they chased Senator Arlen Specter in their Survivaball costumes. These guys are missing out on a big opportunity this Halloween, these suits could be big sellers!

Next on my list was No Impact Man This movie started as a blog, turned into a project in which many environmental groups are collaborating. I dragged my teenage daughter to see this one. She could relate to the Starbucks sipping, Prada wearing wife who had to make some big changes for the sake of the project. Lowering our environmental impact takes us out of our comfort zones but has some unexpected benefits.

Last but not least, I saw Food Inc. again last night. The movie was screened for a full house of students at SUNY Purchase. This movie was even better the second time around. So many important points were made about the food we eat. Changing our conversation around food is, in my opinion, the most important move that each of us can make to decrease our carbon dioxide emissions. You’ll never look at your dinner or the supermarket the same way after watching Food Inc.

These films need to be seen by high school and college students. This is the audience who won’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. It’s going to be their world in a couple of years, I’m counting on them to make some noise!

Movies like these build movements beyond the theater. The Yes Men’s pranks continue, along great resources online, including curricula for teachers. The No Impact Projects continue to make ripples along with Food Inc’s petitions and online resources.

Maybe the world is gonna be OK after all.