SuRu’s Garden Book
Red Wrigglers in the Shark Tank
Worm composting is a great zero waste based elegant technology for all ages.
Fixing a Fence for Fresh Food Fundraiser
2018 has given me wonderful opportunities to expand my adventures with food and garden based education. In addition to working with Mount Kisco Child Care Center and their Feed Me Fresh program, I've also been veggie gardening with 1st and 3rd graders at Mt Kisco...
Recipe: Kale Quinoa Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing
I've been busy this fall working at the Mount Kisco Elementary School Garden with 1st and 3rd graders. This morning's frost will set the stage for a delicious kale salad that I will share with you below. Kale gets even more delicious as the weather gets cold. That's...
Is It Too Late?
Too late to grow a veggie garden? Heck no! For many people, June is the busiest time of year, way crazier than December. Summer just started this week and school just ended for kids here in New York. You may feel like you've missed the window of opportunity to grow a...
Taste Testing Salad Dressings
We made and taste tested three salad dressings. Here’s the recipe for all.
You Can’t Rush a Radish
Like it or not, Mother Nature is on her own schedule. She will deliver, but it will be on her own terms, not ours. Where I live, spring is finally just showing up. But I wouldn't be surprised if we only got just one week of spring followed by full out summer. After...
Trees and Grounding
Grounding and standing like a tree can be forms of non-caloric nourishment that can help banish anxiety and stress. Here’s an easy way to give it a try.
5 Reasons Why Community Gardens Matter
Learning how to grow food is a skill worth learning. It puts your in touch with the cycles of life, with weather and climate, with flexibility and patience. Research shows that putting your hands in the soil can help boost immunity and decrease depression. Gardening is also a gateway drug for caring more about nature, the environment and all aspects of our food system. I’ve also learned from years of growing food with children that when they grow it, they eat it! Gardening causes you to fall in love with vegetables in a deep and lasting way.
Sugar Rant
I dream of a day when kids love broccoli and other veggies all over the land. Because growing veggies is far more fun than disease.
It’s Not Too Late to Start a Veggie Garden
Three easy, edible crops you can start right now, in early July, for delicious success this summer.