Irene is someone whose company I truly enjoy. She is a bubbly 5 year old who just started kindergarten. She knows I used to be a dentist, so she always keeps me updated on her latest adventures with the tooth fairy.

This weekend, I got to see Irene and her parents at a nearby art build gathering. We all gathered to make hand painted posters and banners to bring attention to the jumbo fracked gas pipeline that is invading our county. Last spring, my movie making pal Andrea and I made a short video about this highly flammable, potentially explosive gas pipeline next to the aging Indian Point nuke plant. You can watch A Risky Business right here to learn more.

Irene's pipeline drawing

Irene’s pipeline drawing. Photo credit: Erik McGregor


Many talented creative types and activists transformed plain cardboard boxes and sheets into eye catching colorful banners and posters using precise lettering and painting carefully.

But I thought Irene’s little sign was the best of all of them. She says it’s about a “house in trouble”.

Irene’s mom and dad don’t sleep well at night. Their home and Irene’s school is way too close to this pipeline route for comfort. Her school’s playground is in the “high consequence area”. In a worst case scenario, if the pipeline were to rupture catch fire and explode, there would be a 100% fatality rate for anyone outside.

This pipeline needs to be stopped.

And we need you to help us stop it.

Please join us in signing a Pledge of Resistance to Stop Spectra’s Algonquin Pipeline Expansion

Join us. Pledge to stop the pipeline.

Join us. Pledge to stop the pipeline.