Its getting lighter earlier.

Have you noticed?

It’s getting light earlier and staying light later.

There is Ice Melt available at the store, which can only mean we won’t be needing it so much in the weeks to come.

The temperature has above freezing during the day.

This can only mean one thing: the groundhog was right, spring is just around the corner.

Spinach Salad

I celebrated this realization with a Spinach Salad made with ingredients from yesterday’s farmer’s market. We are lucky to have indoor farmer’s markets on Saturdays in my county. Click here to find the location of farmer’s markets in your neck of the woods.

Spinach salad is easy to put together. Start with some fresh spinach, add a sliced hard boiled egg, some slivers of red onion, some crumbled bacon left over from breakfast and you’re all set! You might want to toss in a carrot if you’ve got one as well.  The recipe for the dressing is below. Making your own dressing is so much better than store bought, and its not at all hard to do. Your dressing will taste fresher with higher quality ingredients at a fraction of the cost of the bottled stuff.

Honey Mustard Dressing:

1 teaspoon mustard

Juice of 1 lemon

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey

1/2 clove garlic crushed

1/3 cup olive oil

Whisk it all together, add some salt and pepper to taste.

As the weather changes, our food should change as well. As spring creeps closer, its time to start bringing some green leaves into our daily diets.