Remember last Novemeber when I blogged about 30 Soups in 30 Days?  It was because of a challenge I made for myself inspired by NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month.  Well, this August the theme over at NaBloPoMo is FICTION.

90% of what I read is non-fiction and 99% of what I write is non-fiction. There was one little blog post about a Green 4th of July  that I whipped up this month that was a playful attempt at fiction. It was because I was so darn frustrated at what people think “green” is, I just let myself write what I wanted the world to look like instead.

Quite frankly, I’ve become pretty darned frustrated with the way things have been turning out. Complete insanity in Congress, the Senate and the White House.  Massive greenwashing- people think that natural gas and fracking is OK. Ridiculous healthwashing- hip hip hooray for the apples in McDonald’s Happy Meal. “Small steps” in school food reform- trading in soda for sports drinks and vitamin water.   And worst of all apathy- people don’t care to make a change, because they don’t see anything wrong or don’t seem to think they can make a difference.

So for the month of August, instead of complaining about the greenwashing  and healthwashing that corporations are doing, I’m going to try my hand at fiction. I’ll write the changes that I want to see in the world as if they have already happened with grace and ease. Perhaps it will be some sort of magic spell that can make the world a better place. After all, what you focus your intention on grows, right?

For the month of August, if you see the picture of the book in the upper left corner of my blog, you’ll be reading fiction. More than likely there will be a grain of truth in it. Or wishful thinking.