Refrigerator Soup

Last night, after a long weekend of travel and way too much food, I peered into my refrigerator wondering what to do. I didn’t want to go to the store to buy food for dinner. It was time to get creative. I pulled out everything from the drawers and took inventory.

A few carrots, some limp leeks, 4 shitake mushrooms, a bunch of tired cilantro. That was the start. I peeked into my freezer and found some frozen chicken stock.  A can of white beans and a can of diced tomatoes. This was starting to look like something I could turn into soup.

I sauteed up the leeks with some garlic and a shallot, added diced carrots and mushrooms. Tossed in the stock. Brought it up to a simmer, added the tomatoes and beans, a little sea salt and pepper. It turned out to be awesome. In less time than it would have taken to get take out.

The best part is today. All I had to do was toss the leftover soup into a pot, warm it up. Made for a perfect light meal on a cold windy day.

You can find a more detailed recipe for “Refrigerator Soup” here Hopefully I’ll have all the soups I made last month put into an eBook format by the end of the week.