The 2013 hurricane season is here! It started on June 1st.

While many here in NY and NJ are still recovering from Sandy which hit last October, I’m not hearing much in the media on strategies to deal with the next storm headed our way. With carbon dioxide levels hitting the 400ppm mark, extreme weather events are not a matter of if but a matter of when.

Tree down at the Rubin Rodeo

Tree down at the Rubin Rodeo

Extreme weather can come in many forms. Research shows thunderstorms are becoming more intense as the world continues to warm. We’ve had t-storms here at the Rubin Rodeo that have knocked out power for a day or more. Even worse are the trees knocked into the road so that we cannot leave by car.

Heat waves seem to last longer. Last summer we had record setting heat waves here in the northeast. Everyone bumps up their AC when temps above 80 combined with humidity last for more than a few days. This puts extreme stress on our electrical grid which sets up the possibility for power outages.

This week, it appears there is an epic heat wave that is settling in on Western portions of the US.  Weather experts are saying that records will be broken. Forcasters are saying temps will be 125- 130 this weekend in the Western US.

The CDC has a handy website page entitled, What You Need to Know When the Power Goes Out Unexpectedly which is filled with handy tips on food safety, how to keep cool and other info you need to consider.

Find some time this summer to make sure you have what your family would need to get through a couple of days with no electric. Do you have enough coolers and ice packs in your freezer to hold on to your food for a while? Do you have a grill or solar oven or other method to cook food outdoors?

JFK once said, “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. Make sure to take some time to consider and to plan for the extreme weather ahead. You’ll be glad you did.


Bigtime heat in the West, cool and wet in the East