Post Halloween candy count, circa 1995

Post Halloween candy count, circa 1995

Now that we’re finished with Halloween, the first Sugar High Holiday of the season, it’s time to talk a bit about sugar addiction

Most of us don’t realize it, but we are sugar addicts. We are hardwired to crave sweets.  We use it even when we don’t know we’re doing it. It is hiding in just about every packaged or processed food, salad dressing, peanut butter, soup, pickles, bread, jam, yogurt,  and canned fruit out there.

Refined sugar is devoid of any nutritional value, it passes through the wall of the stomach so quickly that it causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket, then crash just as rapidly.

The food industry would like you to think sugar is  simply an “empty calorie”, but it is worse than that. Refined sugar is an addictive anti-nutrient that can do more than just rot your teeth and add inches to your waistline. Refined sugar causes inflammation and can weaken your immunity, making you more susceptible to colds and flu viruses.

Beating sugar addiction may seem like a hopeless battle, but just like any drug addiction, you have to have a structured plan to win the war. I make no claims that it will be an easy battle. You won’t be vomiting in back alleys or shivering in bed all night, but you will have the uncontrollable desire for something, anything that will give you your sugar fix.

Here are 7 simple steps to beating sugar addiction. Give one or all of them a try and see how you feel.

1. Stick to foods that are closest to their original form.  Forget fruit juices; go for the actual fruit. The closer a food is to it’s original form, then less processed sugar it will contain.

2. Eat protein and fat with breakfast. Breakfast is the meal that will make or break you for the rest of the day, creating blood sugar stability that will carry you to the next meal without sugar cravings. Fat will not make you fat! Fat is an essential metabolic macro-nutrient that helps to keep blood sugar stable.  Try eggs, nut butters in a smoothie, or load your oatmeal up with walnuts!

3. Eat protein with every meal. As soon as your blood sugar is thrown out of whack, you will be off the wagon again. Eating protein with each meal  prepares your body for the increase of serotonin production and keeps your blood sugar stable throughout the day.

4. Read Labels! It’s incredible how many things we put into our mouths without the slightest idea what is in them. The longer the list of ingredients, the more likely sugar is going to be included on that list. Not to mention questionable chemicals.

5. Keep moving. Many of us snack the most when we are bored and inactive. Go for a walk. Get outside and rake leaves. Organize your entire house. Anything to keep your hands busy and away from the cookie jar. (and get the cookies and candies out of your house!)

6. Drink more water. The more water you drink, the more your body will thank you.

7. Don’t get down on yourself if you eat a dessert every once in a while, its really okay! Just make sure it was a really good dessert, something special. And make sure to s-l-o-w  d-o-w-n and enjoy every bite. And don’t forget to share! That way you’re eating a smaller serving. Cutting out all sugar altogether forever is not really possible in this world of ours. Being aware of all the sugar around us and making steps to cut back, especially during the high sugar holidays that run from Halloween all the way to Valentines Day, is a smart step in the right direction.

If you haven’t yet seen this piece by John Oliver about sugar and the food industry. Check it out here!