Years ago, I bought a red car. Never had one before, I didn’t think there that many red cars on the road. Until I got one of my own. It seemed like there were red cars everywhere once I was driving one.

So why does that happen? Its a simple little law of the universe. Whatever you focus on expands.

The problem is, most of the day we are focusing on things that don’t always make our lives or the world better.  Our minds are often churning with unimportant, uninspiring, nonessential negative junk!

Like a TV, what we must do to change things is to change the channel. One way to do this is keeping a gratitude list.  Its like putting good programming on your TV, so you don’t watch/ think junk all the time.

Spending a few minutes each day focusing on what you’re grateful for is a good use of your time and can even help to improve your health.  I’m posting my daily gratitude list on Twitter . My Twitter name is DrSuRu, feel free to follow along and join me in creating your own Twitter gratitude list. Simply type #GratitudeList  in the Twitter search engine and you’ll see loads of people doing the same. I was inspired to start my list because Colin Beavan, The No Impact Man wrote about how he is using the gratitude list to focus on other ways to be happy besides buying stuff we don’t really need..

Another way to practice gratitude is to go to bed and wake up with Louise Hay every day. Sounds crazy, right? Louise Hay is known worldwide for her work with positive affirmations. She has a great Morning and Evening Meditations CD. I listen to this one last thing at night and first thing in the morning.  It helps keep me focused on the positive. Think of this as good food for your spirit.