Turkey day update: Crazy as this may sound, I found this poem on Twitter. Yes! magazine “tweeted” a neat piece today about saying Grace Around the World. It showed a beautiful poster created by a west coast artist, Nikki McClure, who makes beautiful one of a kind intricate works of art using an X-acto knife. The poster listed 12 different versions of Grace from around the world.
This version of Grace is both soup related and Sioux related.
I thought both were very appropriate for this day.
I’m an Indian.
I think about the common things like this pot.
The bubbling water comes from the rain cloud.
It represents the sky.
The fire comes from the sun,
Which warms us all, men, animals, trees.
The meat stands for the four-legged creatures,
Our animal brothers,
Who gave themselves so that we should live.
The steam is living breath.
It was water, now it goes up to the sky,
Becomes a cloud again.
These things are sacred.
Looking at that pot full of good soup,
I am thinking how, in this simple manner,
The Great Spirit takes care of me.