Imagine if you will, a diabolical plan to make New York City and the surrounding suburbs uninhabitable for 10,000 years.
The evil doers were able to put their complex catastrophic plan in place by sedating the public into a comfortable apathetic stupor.
In a brilliant Orwellian move, the term “natural” was connected with the poisonous gas. They utilized PR and top marketing firms using slippery words like “clean”, “safe” and a “bridge to the future” on radio airwaves, TV and the internet. Newspapers and media outlets also succumbed to the generous advertising support provided by the gas ghouls who wore sharp suits, and big smiles speaking smoothly while the jumbo gas pipeline was put into place. Like zombies, the unsuspecting public repeated the words as if in a daze. They thought the gas was safe and clean. Part of a special “clean energy plan.”
Gas friendly local politicians were easily convinced by campaign donations to look the other way as toxic pigging stations were built in their communities in exchange for “free” ball fields. Compressor stations, spewing out toxins and carcinogens, were approved with little
or no resistance. The county executive, an enthusiastic fan of fracking, gave away county parkland to the gas company. Thousands of mature trees were slaughtered to make way for the poisonous pipeline.
A handful of elected officials concerned about the dangers tried to sound the alarm and stop this deadly project. But it was too little and too late. The system was fixed. The laws had been re-engineered in 2005 to allow loop holes for poisons to pollute the air and water while and fast tracking pipeline projects.
The mastermind of this was none other than the vice president of the nation, a truly malevolent man without a heart, who thought of every detail so that the toxic gas would be flowing without resistance all through the country. His company held the patent on the process by which the planet was raped and poisoned.
Once the pipelines were in place it was just a matter of time before the jumbo pipe with its 850 psi of high pressure fracked gas would rupture. Spectra Energy had assured everyone that they could turn off the gas within 3 minutes from their offices in Houston Texas. The communities bought that fib, hook line and sinker.
The Entergy Corporation made some unreadable safety calculations on the back of an envelope to put people at rest about the blast radius of the jumbo gas pipe. The control room of Entergy’s aging Indian Point nuclear reactor was well within the blast zone. But FERC and the NRC rubber stamped the whole deal. 40 years worth of highly radioactive nuclear waste would be incinerated once the pipeline exploded. This would be the biggest dirty bomb the world had ever seen.
The flames would burn out of control for days, it would be impossible to turn the valves off from remote control from Texas. Evacuation from the immediate area would be impossible. There were no direct means of escape except for perhaps jumping into the Hudson river and trying to swim to New Jersey. No one would be coming to the nuclear
evacuation bus stops to take the locals away to safety.
As the radioactive plume of vaporized rods of nuclear waste drifts south, New York City would soon become a barren wasteland. Levels of radioactivity would make it unlivable for tens of thousands of years.
The country would collapse into chaos as 20 million refugees headed south and west.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
We still have a chance to stop the insanity that could lead to a dark and doom filled future. We can say no. Join us.
I did not know that County Executive Robert Astorino is a huge fan of fracking. The plan to put a giant natural gas pipeline next to the Indian Point nuclear plant is insane and criminally dangerous. This pipeline must be stopped.
It is amazing that this is being allowed to happen! More people need to know about this. Join the pledge! Spread the word!