Ballibay Garden Beds

The sun is setting on my first day back at Camp Ballibay. Over 45 young people who are musicians, theatrical professionals, artists, chefs and and other highly creative people are here starting their orientation program. Campers and more counselors will arrive on Sunday bringing the total number close to 200. My piece at camp this year is to get the garden up to speed and create some garden and kitchen programing for campers.

I traveled out here in April to plan the garden, get the seeds started and to create a timeline that would ensure some yummy vegetables that would be ready for eating during the 7 weeks of camp. You’ve heard the saying about God laughing when people make plans? I’ve got my fingers crossed that God, Mother Nature and the Garden Divas will support me in my quest.

Ballibay alumni and veteran counselor Erica Pittman kept the seedlings going in my absence. Today, she handed the garden over to me for the summer. 4 beds named John, Paul, George and Ringo, 1000 square feet in all. My to do list is a mile long filled with transplanting, harvesting and trouble shooting some critter damage. If all goes well, the beds will be ready early next week for campers to start harvesting some greens for the dining hall.

Two other projects on my to do list include starting a worm composting project and building a cob pizza oven for the campout area. The ceramics teacher will be helping me with this muddy fun project along with the Farm Arts campers.

I’ll keep you posted with details.