SuRu’s Blog
A treasure trove of great information on a wide range of topics. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you’ll get hungry reading about delicious food. Lots of great stories from the adventures of the Rubin Rodeo along with plenty of recipes and strategies for better health.
My Fracking Wake Up Call
Spending two summers at the epicenter of fracking in Pennsylvania turned me into a die hard Fractivist!
Halloween Recovery: 7 Steps to Reducing Sugar Consumption
7 steps to cutting back on refined sugar- an addictive anti-nutrient
Fugitive Methane is Scarier Than You Might Think!
Methane from fracking will accelerate climate change and put clean water, air and healthy soil at risk. Here’s what you can do to get involved.
“Disruption” at the Rubin Rodeo
I’m screening a climate change movie in my living room. Join us!
Talking Mom to Mom with Pespi CEO Indra Nooyi
Dear Ms. Nooyi: Given that palm oil is known to be a major cause of carbon pollution causing climate change, and that you have spoken out that this is an issue that is important to you and that PepsiCo is a major global user of palm oil, how can you guarantee to your customers that the products PepsiCo produces are not contributing to climate change?
The Plan(?) Comes to the Clearwater Festival
Our little movie is playing all weekend long at the Clearwater Festival.
The Plan(?) on the Thom Hartmann Show
We went on live TV to talk about The Plan(?), our little nuke movie.
Melanie’s Party Pleasing Salsa Verde
Guest blogger (and daughter) Melanie Rubin shares her taste for life. And excellent homemade salsa.
Movie Premiere at the NRC Meeting
Here is the media advisory that was sent out today. Our movie is having it’s premiere public screening at the NRC meeting.
Help Spread The Plan(?)
The Plan(?) is the title of the little nuclear evacuation movie which is finally complete. The title became apparent to us during the hours and hours spent in the editing room at the Jacob Burns Film Center's Media Arts Lab. We thought we were making a short film...