SuRu’s Blog
A treasure trove of great information on a wide range of topics. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you’ll get hungry reading about delicious food. Lots of great stories from the adventures of the Rubin Rodeo along with plenty of recipes and strategies for better health.
SWAG from Spectra Energy
I’m sending Mr. Oliver some swag from Spectra Energy as an incitement to get him to cover the story of fracked gas infrastructure.
Climate Champion or Climate Hypocrite?
Senator Whitehouse is a climate hypocrite. Where do your senators stand on the issue of natural gas?
Investigate FERC
Someone braver than me needs to dig deep and look at the connection between Dick Cheney, FERC and the explosion of gas pipeline permits.
Dear John Oliver
I am asking John Oliver to help us stop the fracked gas pipeline insanity.
Naming Names
Calling out the names and refusing to remain silent is what is needed at this time.
Good Revolutionary Reads for the New Year
These 3 books are highly recommended as training manuals for the revolution that is just around the corner.
Turning Up the Heat for 2015
I will be teaching Non Violent Direct Action workshops in January 2015. Join us!
This Crop Pays Better Dividends than Wall Street!
Garlic is insanely easy to grow. Even in suburban yards that are under siege from deer. Deer and other pests won't touch plants in the Allium family - garlic, onions, chives, shallots, scallions. These plants are just too aromatic for them to deal with. Garlic...
FERC: What is it and why should you care?
FERC is a rubber stamp agency for fossil fuel infrastructure.
Non Caloric Nourishment and Earth Activism
Being involved in environmental activism is necessary for both personal and planetary health at this time.