SuRu’s Blog
A treasure trove of great information on a wide range of topics. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you’ll get hungry reading about delicious food. Lots of great stories from the adventures of the Rubin Rodeo along with plenty of recipes and strategies for better health.
Recipe: Visualize Whirled Peas – Spring Pea Soup
Peas are easy to grow. This spring soup recipe is easy to make and delicious.
Location Scouting for Your Veggie Garden
Factors to consider when determining where to set up your veggie garden.
Food is Healthcare
Until both kids and doctors have a higher Food IQ, my work will keep me busy.
The Garden Party
The Garden Party would make the world a better place.
Give Peas a Chance!
You’ll definitely want to give peas a chance because they are one of the easiest vegetables to grow.
Less Screens, More Veggies
Consider less screens and more veggies as a formula for better health. Spend more time outside, grow some veggies and eat together as a family more often. Give it a try, its easier than you think!
SuRu’s Garden Book
I’m writing a book about growing veggies with kids. Right here on this blog. Join me!
In Praise of Weeds and Persistence
Weeds are wiser than we give them credit for. Its time to change our relationship with them.
Here’s to Radicals and Persistence Movements
It’s time to stop playing by the rules and get to the root of the situation. Time to get radical!
Why I Won’t Be Watching the SuperBowl
Paid patriotism, concussions, couch potato culture are just 3 reasons I don’t waste my time with the Super Bowl.