SuRu’s Blog
A treasure trove of great information on a wide range of topics. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you’ll get hungry reading about delicious food. Lots of great stories from the adventures of the Rubin Rodeo along with plenty of recipes and strategies for better health.
Rethinking Fashion with Extinction in Mind
Our current fast fashion system exploits people and planet at the expense of the natural world and future generations.
Questions About Compost Programs
I've been asking some questions about a new compost project that seems to be quite popular in my town and others. I'm a huge advocate of composting and consider zero waste to be a very important concept as we move forward in the ecological emergency we are living in....
A Green Magic Wand
Someone recently asked me what I would do if I had a green magic wand. I could wave that wand and big green groups would take on 5 campaigns that might better our odds at surviving the future. If survival sounds overly dramatic to you, then you haven't been reading...
My New Food Zine
Subscribe to my zine and you’ll get cool mail in your mailbox every month!
Lost in the Supermarket
Food allergies are a big problem, fresh fruit and vegetables can be a healthy and safe solution.
Extinction Rebellion Comes to America
Extinction Rebellion is a world wide movement focused on climate change. You’ll be hearing more from them in the months ahead. Join us!
Another Type of Fast for Good Health
Years ago, I used Dr. Andrew Weil's book, Eight Weeks to Optimum Health as a framework for many group classes that I facilitated at Gilda's Club in White Plains, private schools and other groups near and far. What I loved about it was there were many many simple...
Red Wrigglers in the Shark Tank
Worm composting is a great zero waste based elegant technology for all ages.
Fixing a Fence for Fresh Food Fundraiser
2018 has given me wonderful opportunities to expand my adventures with food and garden based education. In addition to working with Mount Kisco Child Care Center and their Feed Me Fresh program, I've also been veggie gardening with 1st and 3rd graders at Mt Kisco...
Recipe: Kale Quinoa Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing
I've been busy this fall working at the Mount Kisco Elementary School Garden with 1st and 3rd graders. This morning's frost will set the stage for a delicious kale salad that I will share with you below. Kale gets even more delicious as the weather gets cold. That's...