You might not realize the connection between organization and health, but I am certain it exists.
Every time you need to scramble to find something, your body gets a quick hit of stress hormones. A cluttered desk or kitchen can cause your adrenal glands to pump out mini-doses of adrenaline and cortisol many times a day. This low level chronic stress plays havoc with your weight, your ability to focus, and your overall wellbeing.
Clutter is stuck energy. Clear your clutter and you’ll soon find that your energy flows better, life feels easier.
The end of the year is a great time to invest in clutter clearing. Get rid of clothes, papers, books, junk you no longer use. Use Freecycle, thrift shops and even recycling centers to make sure your clutter gets a new home instead of heading off to the incinerator or landfill.
One of the best books you’ll ever read on this topic is Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. Its a short, sweet book that will inspire you to start right now to move that stagnant energy.