Today, Friday December 17th is Free Shipping Day. Over a thousand merchants are participating to offer you free shipping in time for Christmas. All you’ve got to do is go onto their websites and buy buy buy.

No matter what they say, shipping stuff has its costs. One way or another we all end up paying for that free shipping with poor air quality and global weirding.

Here’s the clinker you want to consider: all that stuff will NOT make you or your family any happier.  Research shows that more stuff is simply that, more stuff. Less stuff = more happiness. Time magazine said so last summer!

The number of Americans who say they are happy peaked in 1956 and has been going down hill ever since.

The image above is a photo of my most favorite holiday gift of all time. A coupon made by my daughter Rachel who was age 11 when she wrote it. It was a “free coupon” for two full days of no whining, and extra chores.

I’m betting that you could come up with a coupon of sorts for a gift for a family member that would be better than anything on that free shipping website.
