The Rubin Rodeo car saga continues. 21 days have now passed since we took “The Beast”, our Honda Pilot SUV, off the road. Its been a smooth transition, I’m sure we’ve saved some money by keeping the gas guzzling beast off the road for 3 weeks.
Today, the beast gets to go back on the road and Pepe, the Prius gets a 21 day rest. My hubby took the plates off of Pepe early this morning and headed down to the DMV to surrender them for 21 days.
This 3 week stint might just get a little dicey. Melanie, the oldest of the Rubin girls, comes home from college in a week. That means we’ll have 4 drivers and only 2 vehicles. While this is nothing even close to what the No Impact Man did in his movie, this is a small start for my family. My kids and husband are way too comfortable with their way of life, most of the time never considering the impact of their purchases or travels. Like so many Americans, they are comfortably asleep.
I’m betting that someday, when my kids have kids of their own, they’ll tell them stories about the wild times in the early 2000’s when just about everyone in suburbia drove here there and everywhere without a thought of depleting fossil fuels and increasing CO2 levels. Just like I tell my kids crazy stories about my dad warning me about the Limits of Growth.