Evacuation Burma Shave!

Evacuation Burma Shave!

I’m spending the weekend at the Clearwater Festival to help get the word out about our little nuclear evacuation movie. Many of the “extras” in our film, who did a fantastic job acting the part of fearful evacuees, are dedicated environmental activists who are spending most of their time in the Activist Tent area.

I brought a copy of the movie on a memory stick and it is playing in the Clearwater Environmental Activist tent all weekend, so stop by if you’re there. If not, you can watch the film in it’s entirety on Vimeo. Here’s the link: www.vimeo.com/drsuru/theplan .

Here are a few other facts about the evacuation that I was unable to fit into our little movie but are worth considering:


Our film is playing at the Clearwater Fest

Our film is playing at the Clearwater Fest

  • The plan assumes that no one outside of the 10-mile zone will run for their lives when the sirens are activated.
  • The plan assumes that parents will not run to their children’s schools when they find out there is a problem.
  • The plan assumes that municipal and school bus drives will abandon their families and drive into the danger zone to evacuate other families

You can help prevent this aging nuclear reactor from getting a new 20 year license to operate by signing this petition: https://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/close-the-indian-point-nuclear-power-plant

There was one sign at the festival just to the left of the Hudson Stage that really hit me deep in my core. While our little movie has a lighthearted spin to it, evacuation is no joke. Evacuation is forever. Imagine never seeing your home again.


Our goal with The Plan(?) is to inspire and empower ordinary people, not just “activists”, to get vocal, ask questions and demand that our leaders and first responders work in the interest of our safety. In the mid 1980’s, Suffolk County determined that the East end of Long Island could not be evacuated. As a result the Shoreham Nuclear power plant was shut down. It’s up to us to get leaders in Westchester County to face the same conclusion: this county cannot be evacuated. Therefore, Indian Point should be shut down. JOIN US in helping to make this happen!


There is no turning back if it comes to evacuation

There is no turning back if it comes to evacuation