Since Edgar’s sudden and unexpected death in October, I’ve been feeling quite dog deficient. Although our little doggie had only been with us for 10 months, I had developed a deep connection with this rescue pup, spending many hours in all sorts of weather teaching him to walk on a leash and encouraging him about peeing and pooping outside. Whenever we traveled, Edgar came along as a valued member of our family riding inside our car, usually on someone’s lap in the back seat. On a long trip, we’d take him for a walk at a rest stop so he could do his “business” while the rest of the gang hit the bathrooms. Seems fair enough right?
When I heard about the Mitt Romney dog fiasco, also known as “Crate Gate”, at first I did not believe it. How could any dog owner tie their pup onto the top of their car for a 12 hour drive to Canada? It sounds like a stunt out of National Lampoon’s Vacation, after all, he could pass for a Chevy Chase like character.
The story is indeed true, the Romney family tied their dog crate to the roof of their station wagon in 1983 and Seamus spent 12 hours up there. He did not have a fun time, as a matter of fact, we was sick and had a bad case of the poops. One of the Romney kids saw the evidence all over the back windows of the station wagon. So what did Mr. Romney do? He stopped at a rest area, hosed down the car and the poop covered dog, put the dog back in his crate and continued with the trip.
Doesn’t sound very caring or presidential. As Rachel Maddow said the other night, this story has legs. Welcome to the wild wild world of the 2012 presidential campaign!