These days are some of the shortest of the year, now more than ever, we need some sunshine.
Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin has been making news in the past few years. Vitamin D is the new vitamin C! Lots and lots of benefits are attributed to this vitamin including improved immunity, protection from osteoporosis, prevention of arthritis and much much more. I’ve been following the work of Dr. Michael Holick who is an internationally recognized expert on Vitamin D.
In the summer months I am a big proponent of getting my sunshine in the form of a weekly trip to Jones Beach. Sunshine is the best source of Vitamin D, and despite what the chemical sunscreen folks may have you believe, sun exposure does not increase your risk of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Crazy as it may sound, many sunscreens have dangerous chemicals that may be carcinogenic. Check out the Environmental Working Group to learn more about sunscreen issues.
This time of year, if you live north of Georgia, you’re not going to get enough sunshine to make sufficient Vitamin D. Here at the Rubin Rodeo, we supplement during with cod liver oil for additional vitamin D during the winter months.
After learning more about Vitamin D from Dr. Holick, this year we are supplementing further with vitamin D3 capsules (dose 5000 I.U.) at dinner every night. Despite what the IOM just recommended, I believe that this is a safe and effective dose.
Have you had your Vitamin D level checked? You should! Watch this presentation about Vitamin D from Dr. Holick. He’s entertaining and informative: you won’t be bored, I promise!
If this video doesn’t show, you can click on this link to watch Dr. Holick’s presentation. Click here.