The Plan(?)

The Plan(?)

The Plan(?)

is the title of the little nuclear evacuation movie which is finally complete.  The title became apparent to us during the hours and hours spent in the editing room at the Jacob Burns Film Center’s Media Arts Lab. We thought we were making a short film about the 800+ bus stops in the 10 mile evacuation zone surrounding the aging Indian Point nuclear plant, but the plan itself is even more absurd than the bus stops!

Our next step is to get the word out about our short movie. Our goal is to use the film to empower as many people in the 50 mile radius to ask serious questions of their local first responders about the plan. If enough people start to understand that the plan is a farce, we will be on our way to create a grassroots non-political movement to prevent this nuke plant from obtaining another 20 year license to operate. Can a 5 minute movie help close an unsafe old nuke plant? I believe it can!

Here’s where you can help us: Click on the link below that will take you to our GoFundMe site. Donate as much as you like and share it with your friends and networks. The fundraising site will help us to print some color cards with a simple action plan along with a link to the film. Fundraising will also enable us to enter The Plan(?) into  short film festivals across the country.

THANK YOU for helping us spread the word!