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Dr. Susan Rubin's October Newsletter Special Election Edition
October 2008


The first week of October has already slipped away. I was down in Black Mountain, NC at the Southeast Women's Herbal Conference where I had the wonderful opportunity to teach some classes on diet mythology, healthy fats and nourishing foods.

So much has happened in these past few weeks in the world and close to home. It serves to remind me that eating health supportive food can help our wallets and our waistlines along with keeping us from falling into fear mode with interesting times ahead.

I'm here to inspire you and support you in making healthy changes in your food and your life. This fall I'm available for one on one consultations, supermarket tours and public speaking. Or, if you'd like to set up a small group class in your home or over the phone, simply email or call me to set it up.

As we approach election season, I'd like to encourage you to vote with your fork at every meal. Check out the links on the right side for more information. Happy October!
Susan :)

In this issue:
  • What You Eat Matters!
  • Recipes & Strategies at Gilda's Club Westchester
  • Slow Food Westchester Event @ SunRaven Saturday October 18th 3-6pm
  • Farmer in Chief by Michael Pollan
  • What our candidates are eating....
  • October Recipe: Curried Cauliflower

  • Recipes & Strategies at Gilda's Club Westchester

    This October & November I'll be at Gilda's Club in Westchester teaching some of my favorite classes. The main lesson is that better health can be easy and delicious. If you're a member of Gilda's Club, I hope you'll join me. If you'd like to host a group class like this in your home, call me and let's set something up!

    This five week Recipes & Strategies class has been redesigned to coordinate with my trademarked House of Health system. The House of Health is my answer to the USDA food pyramid which is ineffective and hard to understand. HOH concepts work for all ages.

    Gilda's Club offers cancer support for the whole family. To learn more about Gilda's Club Worldwide visit their website at If you're in Westchester County, NY you can visit Gilda's Club in White Plains, NY or call them at (914) 644-8844

    Slow Food Westchester Event @ SunRaven Saturday October 18th 3-6pm
    slow food snail

    Celebrate the Local Harvest at the Beautiful SunRaven Mindful Gardening Project in Bedford.

    You'll get a chance to tour Sun Raven, whose mission is to get the community involved in local sustainable food, including educating our children in the benefits of eating locally.

    This event is a potluck so we urge you to dig into our local harvest and to create a dish you can share with others. The crisp fall air might inspire dishes with the last tomatoes, onions, garlic and autumn squashes or earthy mushrooms; for dessert, work magic with tart apples, sweet blue plums and juicy pears (i.e. roasted tomato tart with goat cheese and fresh thyme, roasted chicken with seasonal vegetables, apple and raspberry crisp, mushroom quiche, etc....)

    • Fee: $10 per person (and at least 1 dish per party, please)
    • Space Limit: This event will be limited to 40 people
    • RSVP
    • Parking: Leave cars at Commuter Parking Lot at the Mt Kisco/Bedford exit (exit 4) on 684
    • Complimentary shuttle from parking lot to Sun Raven

    Slow Food is an international movement opposing fast food, and promoting protecting the heritage , traditions and culture of food.

    Slow Food USA has more than 200 chapters across the country.

    Farmer in Chief by Michael Pollan
    vote with your fork

    The October 12th Sunday NY Times Magazine section this week is completely devoted to my favorite subject, FOOD!

    Michael Pollan's memo to the next president is a must read. He points out how the health of a nation's food system is critical to national security. Reforming our food system will become a high priority for the next administration. I hope you will pass this insightful article on to everyone you know who eats.

    What our candidates are eating....
    broc obama

    Last year, the congressional cafeteria got an ovehaul last year, so our senators and congress people now have access to food that is much better than what our kids in school are eating. I hope now that they are eating better, they will start to think more clearly.

    Here's what our two presidential candidates are eating on the campaign trail.
    McCain: The New Yorker magazine describes John McCain's campaign bus as "stocked with Dunkin' Donuts and Coke, the staples of the McCain diet." He grabs a candy bar or a bag of potato chips while he engages reporters for interviews. The Senator has been said to have a weakness for Butterfinger candy bars, jellybeans, coffee, and doughnuts.

    Obama: Most candidates gain weight on the campaign trail, however, Obama has lost about 5 pounds, following what he believes to be a healthy diet of salmon and broccoli.

    October Recipe: Curried Cauliflower

    I was recently inspired by a mom who makes Indian food for her son's school lunch. Imagine the wonderful aroma when he opens his thermos in the cafeteria! This curried cauliflower recipe is easy to make and delicious. Add some brown basmati rice and dal and you've got a great meal.

    • 1 tablespoon ghee or coconut oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
    • 1 5teaspoon turmeric
    • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    • 1 head cauliflower cut into bite sized pieces
    • 1/2 cup water
    • 2 teaspoons crushed coriander seeds
    • 1/2 teaspoon curry powder

    Heat the ghee or oil in a medium skillet over medium- high heat. Add the mustard seeds. As soon as they start to pop, stir in the turmeric ans salt. Add the cauliflower; mix well. cover and cook for 5 minutes.

    Stir in the water, coriander, and curry. Adjust the heat to low and cook, covered, for 5 minutes.

    Add some peas or pieces of cooked brocoli for color and flavor

    E-Book: Support for Parents of Picky Eaters
    picky eater cartoon
    Calling all parents plagued by picky eaters! My downloadable E-booklet on picky eaters can help you recover your sanity and make mealtimes more fun and delicious. You can win the picky eater war without being sneaky or deceptive as other books might suggest.

    To find out more, click here

    E-Book: Dump Your Diet!
    dump truck
    Do you diet, lose weight and re-gain allthe weight you lost again and again and again? Perhaps it's time to Dump Your Diet! Learn more with my E- book on how to let go of unnecessary weight by letting go of diets that make us unhappy and unhealthy.

    E-Book: Teens, Tweens & Junk
    junk food
    Would you like your kids to eat less junk and more real food? Check out my E-book, Winning the Junk Food Wars for great ideas that will help you to incorporate more real food into your kid's lives.

    What You Eat Matters!
    obama mccain

    I'm convinced that what we eat impacts how we think. When you eat poor quality chemicalized processed foods, your thoughts tend to shift in that same direction. See what happens when you improve the quality of your food for a day or two, you'll find that your mood and outlook improves too.

    Imagine how things might improve for our country if the next resident of the White House had a garden nearby on the lawn and was able to eat fresh, local veggies not tainted by petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides.

    The way our president eats and thinks about food will impact younger people for longer and in more profound ways than it will impact any other group of people. The foundations of a healthy diet begin at a young age. If the president is meant to lead and inspire, then a president who eats healthy homegrown food in a publicized way will inspire many young people to eat like the president. And if the president follows TheWhoFarm petition's recipe by inviting public school students to help garden at The White House, it could drastically change the "edible education" landscape in America.

    Please visit and sign this nonpartisa n petition to get the next president to put a garden in the White House lawn! And please tell your friends and relatives.

    Attention Teachers! The Who Farm folks have a cool school bus that has an organic garden on the roof, it travels to schools around the country. Connect with them to see if they'll pay a visit to your community. I'm working with them to come visit schools and hospitals in Westchester County, NY. Stay tuned!

    October links to make you think:

    Sign the Declaration for Healthy Food and Agriculture

    Learn how to start a community garden

    Is low-fat where it's at? Big Fat Lies

    Reverse Trick or Treating

    My blog:

    The Power of Community: how Cuba survived peak oil

    College students: learn where your vote counts more, at school or at home

    Learn about the world water crisis and what you can do

    Join our mailing list!
    phone: 914-864-1293