Diets are Fairy Tales!

This week in my Recipes & Strategies for Healthy Living class at Gilda’s  Club Westchester we will be talking about Diet Mythology. Its one of my favorite topics because I love to help people to think outside the box.

Myths are stories with a purpose. Myths take stories that are not easily put into words and makes them understandable. Another function of myth is to establish models for behavior. The worlds of nutrition and weight loss are filled with myths. Most of them unravel under closer inspection. We’re going to take a good hard look at the stories we’ve been told, or sold as the case may be, around diet and weight loss.

Most diet myths work.

For a short while.

And then they backfire.

Whatever weight you lost somehow finds you again.

The percentage of people who regain their weight after losing it is enormous- well over 80%. And the number of those who sustain a significant weight loss (more than 35 lbs) for more than 5 years is very, very small.  Something is missing here. Many of these are hardworking determined people who are very successful in other areas of their life.

Its time to consider for just a minute that most of the things we’ve taken for granted about nutrition and dieting are simply not true. Remember way back once upon a time when everyone thought the earth was flat? Imagine how challenging it was for those who looked at things differently. But imagine what it was like when the brave ones who ventured out found new shores and distant lands.

These dietary myths have taken hold in our culture and are part of the reason that many of us are overweight, unhealthy and/or just plain unhappy.  The time has come to question the myths that keep us stuck.

Here’s a few food myths to get you pondering.

1. Eat less, exercise more

2. Fat makes you fat

3. Low fat/no fat foods can help you lose weight

4. Calories count

5. USDA food pyramid/ our government looks out for our best interests healthwise

6. Fasting and de-tox plans will help you to lose weight

7. Slim fast/ meal replacement bars/ shakes/ smoothies

8. Fat burning foods

and, my personal favorite:


Have you ever tried  to use any of these myths to lose weight? Did you end up spending more money than you thought you would? Are you now beating yourself up and thinking you’re a failure because these strategies didn’t work?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

If you want a different result, you’re going to have to do things differently. Its time to think outside the box. I’m here to help you do that.

I’m available to help you sort out the reality of food and health in a way that will work for you. In your specific situation. Realistic, pragmatic. No “superfoods”, I promise!

I offer one on one consultations, workshops,  small group phone classes and E books. Sound like something you want to do? Send me an email and we’ll talk.