Somehow I knew that today I’d be writing about diet soda. The Coca Cola Corporation launched a nationwide ad campaign this week defending the use of aspartame in Diet Coke. Apparently, sales of diet soda are decreasing. Many people are waking up to the hazards of diet soda. Not to mention the fact that no one loses weight by drinking Diet Coke or any diet drink.

I’m here to tell you to ignore Coca Cola’s claims about Diet Coke. The truth is quitting Diet Coke, or any other diet beverage is one of the best things you can do to build better health.

No one should be drinking this stuff! No one!

Sweet Poison is a book about aspartame.

I’ve been strongly against artificial sweeteners for years. As a dentist, I learned that diet soda was even worse than regular soda for your teeth. Phosphoric acid in diet soda creates a very acidic situation in both the mouth and the body, resulting in greater damage to tooth enamel and weakened bones.

As a food expert working one on one with many people, I discovered that aspartame is directly linked to neurological issues likeĀ  migraines, vertigo and tinnitus. I’ve advised many clients over the years to try a 14-21 day “experiment” in which they eliminated all forms of aspartame (i.e. chewing gum, diet soda, “light” yogurt) their headaches and dizziness disappeared.

There are over 92 different adverse health effects connected with the use of aspartame. Dr. Janet Hull’s website Sweet Poison, is a great resource to learn more.

Giving up Diet Coke is not as easy as you might think. Aspartame is highly addictive. The Coca Cola Corporation along with the rest of the food industry are very aware of the addictive nature of artificial sweeteners. Click here for 25 signs that you’re addicted to Diet Coke.

Stick with clean, filtered water from the tap. You’ll save money and your health.